Your Cimarron Team wants you to feel safe bringing your pet in to the clinic, so this is what we’re doing to help control the spread of COVID-19 as businesses reopen:

Doggie valet, doggy valet, pet valet, curbside pet

Curbside Check In.

  • Call us from the parking lot
  • Your pet’s nurse will ask your pet’s medical and lifestyle history questions.
  • Our Pet Valet will come out to your car to collect your pet.  Our Pet Valet will bring your pet inside for his/ her exam with the Doctor.
  • Your Doctor will then call you on your cell phone or come out to your car to discuss the findings or treatment plan.
  • Our Client Service Liaison or your Nurse will call you for payment via credit card over the phone.
  • Your pet and anything he needs will be delivered back to your car!

We ask that you stay in the parking lot, with your phone ringer on during your pet’s visit.  Please answer calls, even if they come from an Unknown or Blocked Number as we may be using our personal phones to call you.

If you want to run an errand while your pet is here, just let us know (so we don’t go looking for you in the parking lot).

If you would like to Drop your Pet Off for awhile, let us know while scheduling your appointment.  We will see your pet between our regularly scheduled appointments and call you after his exam.

Curbside check-in has been pretty chill for most of the pets-- even the high strung ones!

Bob is usual pretty high strung when he comes in. Curbside check-in seems to be fine with him!

Fill Out your paperwork from home and Submit for easier service!


We are asking clients who are ill to please let us know before coming in contact with any of our staff.  Our Pet Valet’s are on the front line.  We appreciate your helping to keep them safe!

Rosalyn- Pet Valet

Pet Valets. Our Pet Valets are our unsung heros!  They run up and down the stairs dozens of times a day, escorting Pets in and out of the building.  But, they do other things too!  They often sit with anxious patients in the exam rooms, just to soothe them!  They can also carry bags of food and medication to your car!  They are the best!


Temperature and Srcreening Questions for CovidHealth Screening Questions.  Know that we aren’t going to deny your pet service, regardless of your answers.  We will just take extra precautions so that we don’t get sick, so we can continue to be here for you!  If you have been sick within the last 2 weeks, please let us know.  And, if so, please consider postponing and Wellness services for your pet for a couple weeks.  Of course, if your pet is sick or in pain, PLEASE bring him, regardless.  Just let us know your status as well!  (Plus, we just Care- about People, too!)

Image result for dog on the phoneTelemedicine Appointments.  Stay at home and still get your pet’s care.  We can schedule phone, video or text chats for appointments that don’t require the Doctor to actually touch your pet!  This is especially useful for recheck appointments and behavior appointments.  If you think this might be an option in your pet’s case, ask your Client Service Representative!  * These “Televet Consults” do have a fee, but are less expensive than in clinic visits.

How to wear a face mask correctlyFace Mask Policy- as per Tucson City Mandate, everyone in a public building must wear a face mask at all times.

  • We do ask that masks also be worn correctly, covering both mouth and nose while in the clinic. We know it’s annoying. We know some people don’t agree with the. “Your face mask protects US,  and ours protects YOU”.


Together, we humans will weather this storm with a little extra vigilance in good hygiene and the kindness of heart that is in all animal lovers.

  • Minimize contact with your pet if YOU are sick.  If cats and dogs get Covid, their symptoms have, so far, been mild and self-limiting, requiring no treatment. Ferrets may be able to get Covid-19.  We know that their relatives, the mink, can.  Ferrets are highly susceptible to human influenza virus, as well.
  •  While Coronavirus does not spread easily from porous/ rough surfaces, pet fur could be a source of infection to another human.  Another reason to minimize contact with your pet if YOU are sick– for the sake of your loved ones.  And let us know if you have been sick while living with your pet.
  • Remember to wash your hands frequently, thoroughly
  • Wear your mask around your fellow humans, to protect them.  Remember, every person who has had Covid-19 was a sub-clinical carrier before they got sick.  You never know when than person might be you….