Health Certificate Information

Information needed to fill out Health certificates

* Your pet must be examined within 10 days of traveling. * The Certificate is good for 30 days after it is dated. * We will need an actual destination address to complete your certificate. * We need the following Rabies vaccination information if your pet was vaccinated elsewhere: Vaccination Date, Product Name and serial number of vaccine * Your pet must be healthy, free of external parasites and wounds. Please fill out and submit a separate form for each pet traveling.
Please provide number or "N/A" if not chipped
Check all boxes that apply
Please provide number or "N/A" if not chipped
Check all boxes that apply

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Rabies Vaccination Information

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 10 files.
If you do not have a current Rabies vaccinations Certificate, please get a copy as soon as possible from the clinic at which your pet was vaccinated. If you are unable to contact that clinic or your pet's Rabies vaccine is not current, please be sure to get it updated within the required time period prior to travel (see

Go to to get all the information you will need to take your pet traveling.

Please bring all of your exportation paperwork with you to your first appointment.