Comprehensive Physical Exams
A comprehensive physical exam whenever our patients are brought in for wellness or sick visits. We believe in treating the whole pet, not just their parts.
Comprehensive exams are performed with EVERY Wellness and Sick Pet Visit at Cimarron Animal Hospital
Animals don’t always “tell” their owners that they hurt or where they hurt, so we believe that it is very important to perform a Comprehensive Physical Exam every time a patient is seen. Our doctors often get more clues about a pet’s health challenges from a Complete Exam than from just examining the most evident problem.
Because we believe in treating the whole pet, not just their parts, the following examinations are performed with EVERY Wellness and Sick Pet Visit at Cimarron Animal Hospital.
Our Pet Friends Forever (PFF) Wellness Packages Include:

Eye Exam And Screenings
An eye exam, using an Ophthalmascope, will be performed to evaluate both external and internal structures of the eye. Our Doctors can detect signs of not just eye disease, but also high blood pressure, Valley Fever, and other infectious diseases. Pets can be screened for Keratoconjunctivitis sicca, or “dry eye”, and Glaucoma.
Ear Examination
A deep ear exam will be performed, using an Otoscope, to examine the entire ear canal and the eardrum for signs of infection, polyps, ear mites or other foreign bodies, and middle ear disease.

Dental Examination
Your pet’s doctor will examine their whole mouth, including teeth, gums, tongue, and tonsils. The doctor will assess the amount of dental plaque and tartar and check for loose or fractured teeth. She will also look for evidence of oral cancer and infection. Poor dental health can cause pain, weight loss, liver, kidney, and heart disease. Keeping your pet’s mouth healthy is one of the most important things you can do to add years to your pet’s life!
See Dental Services
Cardiac And Respiratory Exam
Your doctor will listen to your pet’s heart and lungs for heart murmurs and abnormal rhythms, fluid in the lungs, or abnormal breath sounds. These can signal serious disease! Your doctor may recommend a cardiac workup, including chest x-rays, blood pressure, or EKG if anything in the physical exam suggests trouble.

Reproductive Organs
Your pet’s reproductive system will be examined for lumps, swelling, and discharge. Pets should be spayed or neutered to reduce the risks of breast cancer and testicular cancer as well as life-threatening infections later in life. Of course, neutering and spaying prevents unwanted pregnancies and pet over-population as well!
Skin And Coat Analysis
A thorough examination of your pet’s coat and skin will give your doctor a good indication of your pet’s overall health. Your doctor will check for warts and tumors, as well as signs of allergies, nutritional deficiencies, infections, fleas, ticks, and other parasites.

Musculoskeletal Exam
Your Veterinarian will manipulate your pet’s joints and evaluate their muscles for proper function or any pain. Your vet may be able to identify joint disease that your pet hasn’t even “told” you about!
Neurologic Exam
A brief neurological evaluation is done in the process of every physical exam. Cranial nerves are evaluated as your pet’s face is examined. Your pet’s reflexes and peripheral nerve tone during the orthopedic part of the exam. Many of your pet’s reflexes are evaluated as the Doctor watches your pet move around the room.

Lymphatic Exam
Finally, your pet’s lymph nodes are examined for enlargement that might indicate infection or cancer.